2020, The Year of Pindad Innovation
"We are changing for the better, growing up creating value creation accompanied by a mindset of innovation." said Director of PT Pindad, Abraham Mose. 2020 became the momentum to launch Pindad as a year of innovation. After holding a Company Work Meeting at the end of January. There are several points that are the company's main focus, including the following;
Directorate of Defense and Security Products Business
- Total innovation in the field of marketing
- Focus on the main customers of the TNI and Polri
- Increase Marketing Accounts
- Strengthen the strategic plan for sustainable production
- Intensification of export market penetration to increase market share in international markets
Directorate of Finance and Administration
- Conduct a comprehensive contract review including for grandchildren of the company
- Organizational change strategic program accompanied by change management, as of March 1, 2020
- Performance of the company's children and grandchildren is based on indicators that are consistent with Pindad
Directorate of Industrial Product Business
- Building core competencies in industrial products
- Determination of the selling price of the product takes into account applicable government regulations
- Optimizing business events to strengthen engagement with customers
Directorate of Technology and Development
- Business development in the IT field, one of which is C5 (Augmented Intelligence System)
- Alignment of Pindad RJPP with National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN)
- Increasing company capacity and capability through PMN optimization
Main Directorate
- Revaluation of assets to determine the ability and true value of the company
- Ensuring the effective implementation of GCG
- Application of ISO 370001 on anti-bribery management.