New Innovation


PT Pindad conversion tool on display for PT DI

BANDUNG, - In the middle of the government's plan to convert fuel oil into gas, BUMN have started racing to produce a prototype fuel conversion tool wok. One is Pindad exhibiting their prototypes at the gates of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI).

It took place in the middle of State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan visit to PT DI to lead the BUMN meeting on Thursday (01/12/2012). Conversion tools made ??by PT Cantech Indonesia, working under PT Pindad, was on display right in front of the main entrance of the building. Cantech is a Korean -owned company.

Beside the board contains schematic way the tools work, also displayed two cars, Toyota Innova 2000 cc and 4500 cc Nissan President. Two of the rear of the car was fitted liquefied gas tank capacity of 80 liters.

According to the power quality assurance of Cantech Indonesia, Triana Putra Apriianto, they 've used the prototype  massively on a private car in Korea.

Although more wasteful of fuel oil, economic value  will feel in a distance journey. The ratio of fuel gas efficiency is 1 to 8 kilometers, while the fuel reaches 1 to 11 kilometers.

"This prototype costs Rp 12 million per unit, but it would be cheaper if mass produced," said Triana.

PT Cantech Indonesia has tested the system on Innova car with a distance of 500 kilometers. Triana ensure that the gas fuel will make the engine last longer.

While PT DI through their public relations, Rakhendi Triatna, saying that they have not prepared the prototype to be exhibited in front of Dahlan. He promised to deliver it to the project leader who handle it specially.

New Innovation
