


Alkapsus is on of PT Pindad Enjiniring Indonesia (PEI) and is a special equipment product intended for the armed forces. Alkapsus functions as a patrol or military outfit equipped completely.

Alkapsus equipment including :

- Bulletproof Helmet

- Balaclava

- Googles

- Gas Mask Respirator & Gas Mask Pouch

- Gas Mask Canister (Nubika, CBRN)

- Overall Tactical Shirt

- Under Body Armour Combat Shirt

- Ballistic Molle Vest Level IV A (Litbang Certified TNI AD)

- Multifunctional Gloves

- Elbow Protector

- Knee Protector

- Magazene MP5 Double Pockets

- Sharp Grenade Bag

- Smoke Grenade Bag

- Universal Radio Pouch

- Multi Position Gun

- Tactical Multifunction Backpack

- IPP Set Medium Bag

Some of the equipment has NATO Standards and use Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment


Kelengkapan : Ballistic Helmet, Gask Mask, Gask Mask Respirator, Jump Plate Carrier, Sling Gun, Triple Magazin Pouch, Tactical Glove, Battle Belt, Knee pads, Battle Boots, Optical Hardcase, Patrol Backpack, Radio Pouch, Shotgun Mag Pouch, Elbow Pad, Medical Pouch, Gask Mask Pouch, Double Magazin 5.56 mm pouch & Universal Modular Light Holder.
