

BJ Habibie, a Figure who contributed greatly to the development of the Strategic Industry in the Def

The President Director of PT. Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose expressed his deepest condolences to the passing of the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia who once served as President Director of PT Pindad (Persero), Prof. DR. BJ Habibie.

"All Board of Directors, Commissioners and all employees of PT Pindad (Persero) also expressed their condolences for the lost of our leader, Prof. DR. BJ Habibie, a national figure of the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia, who is also known as the father of Indonesian technology, established the basics of research and technology in Indonesia, "Abraham said.

Abraham recalled Habibie's ideas, dreams and contributions while serving as the President Director of Pindad.

"During his lifetime, he was the first President Director of PT Pindad (Persero) after Pindad became a BUMN, he served as President Director of PT Pindad (Persero) for 15 years from 1983-1998, and it was his idea to pursuit the independence of Indonesian defense industry by prioritizing research, development, innovation and be able to create military products independently.

"His ideas are the basis for us in order to always prioritize research, development and innovation in a defense industry," Abraham continued.

When Pindad switched to civil service and became a BUMN in 1983, he was also the one who set the foundation when he led the corporate planning team. At the same time he also served as the chairman of BPPT. Since then, the role of BPPT has effectively been carried out in assessing and implementing technology in Pindad.

Habibie appreciated the development of Pindad which has been able to make a variety of defense and security products independently and advised to develop even bigger businesses line including the industrial sector by utilizing existing human resources and technology.

"I see that Pindad has made SS1, that is good, now there is also Anoa (military special vehicle). But you also need to concern for long-term strategy. Don't let Pindad rely solely on the orders from the military budget. We still have a chance to develop a bigger business with existing HR competencies and the mastery of technology, "Habibie said in Pindad's 30-year book.

He also briefly wrote his message and wishes on his photo frame while attending the Pindad booth at Habibie Festival 2016 in Jakarta.

"I hope Pindad will always be the forefront in developing and applying the latest technology in our defense industry," Habibie said.

Habibie said that the key in the industry is QCD. Q is Quality, everything must be made of high quality and consistent. C is Cost, press the lowest price possible to be able to compete with similar producers. D is Delivery, accustom all production and outcome to be in high quality, cost efficient and delivered on time.

Strategic industries pioneered by Habibie (IPTN, Pindad, PAL) has been contributed to the development of national industries such as airplanes, weapons, ammunitions, ships, armored vehicles, and many more both for civil and military purposes.
