In Law No. 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense, it has been determined that threats in the national defense system consist of military threats and non-military threats, including cyber threats.
At present the threat of warfare is becoming very complex and growing rapidly, Hybrid warfare is a threat where in addition to Regular Military Forces and Special Forces also involve Iregular Forces namely information war and propaganda, diplomacy war, cyber attacks and war for the domination of economic domination.
The threat of cyber attacks is becoming very serious, based on data from the Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (IDSIRTII) there are 48.8 million Internet attacks throughout 2015 in Indonesia. The high number of crime and hackers in the Internet sector is a threat amid the massive growth of internet users in Indonesia. Cyber attacks threaten in various sectors including Public Services, Economy, Defense, Security and Energy. Cyber defense does not recognize the territorial boundaries of an attack state can come from inside or outside.
As a strategic defense industry, PT. PINDAD (PERSERO) realizes to remain consistent running the core as a defense industry with Cyber Security product and service innovations with three links
The threat of cyber attacks is becoming very serious, based on data from the Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (IDSIRTII) there are 48.8 million Internet attacks throughout 2015 in Indonesia. The high number of crime and hackers in the Internet sector is a threat amid the massive growth of internet users in Indonesia. Cyber attacks threaten in various sectors including Public Services, Economy, Defense, Security and Energy. Cyber defense does not recognize the territorial boundaries of an attack state can come from inside or outside.
As a strategic defense industry, PT. PINDAD (PERSERO) realizes to remain consistent running the core as a defense industry with Cyber Security product and service innovations with three links
- Solution for Human Resource Competency Elevation (PEOPLE)
- Solution for Information Governance Process Management (PROCESS)
- Technology Solution as Solution Integrator and Product Development (TECHNOLOGY)