Board of Commissioner


General TNI Maruli Simanjuntak

Indonesian citizen, appointed as President Commisioner based on the Decree of the Minister of SOEs as the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (Persero) PT Pindad Number: SK-16/MBU/1/2024 and Decree of President Director of PT Len Industri (Persero) Number: 001/KRUPS/LEN-PINDAD/I/2024, as shareholder of PT Pindad. Currently he is also the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army (KASAD) since 29 November 2023. Previously, he served as Commander of the Army Strategic Command (Pangkostrad) (2022-2023), Commander of the Regional Military Command (Pangdam) IX/Udayana (2020-2022), Commander of the Presidential Security Forces of Indonesia (Paspampres) (2018-2020), and Chief of Staff of the Regiomal Military Command (Kasdam) IV/Diponegoro (2018).


Komjen. Pol. Drs. Agus Andrianto, S.H., M.H.

Agus Andrianto was born in Blora, is an Indonesian citizen, and is a member of the Republic of Indonesia Police with service since 1989. He was appointed as Vice President Commissioner based on the Decree of the Minister of BUMN Number; SK-243/MBU/08/2023. Currently he also serves as Deputy Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Deputy Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia) since July 3 2023. Previously he served as Head of The Criminal Investigation Agency of Indonesian Police (2021), 

Head of The Security Maintenance Agency of Indonesian Police
(2019), Chief of Police of North Sumatra (2018), and Deputy Chief of Police of North Sumatra (2017).


Let. Gen. TNI (Ret.) A.M Putranto

A.M Putranto was born in Jember, an Indonesian citizen, and is a member of the Indonesian National Army with a period of service from 1987 to 2022. He was appointed as an Independent Commissioner based on the Decree of the Minister of BUMN and President Director of the Company (Persero) PT Len Industri Number: SK- 69/MBU/03/2024, Number: 002/KRUPS/LEN-PINDAD/III/2024. His last position was as Commander of the TNI AD Kodiklat (2022). Previously he served as Special Assistant to the Minister of Defense for Land Defense Equipment, Commander of the Regional Military Command II/Sriwijaya (2018), Commander of the 1st Infantry Division/Kostrad (2017), and Commander of the Garuda XXIII-B Contingent which served on the UNIFIL Mission in Lebanon (2008) . He previously received military education at Seskoad (2000), Susdanyonif (2000), Susdandim (2004), Sesko TNI (2011), and Lemhannas.


Alexandra Retno Wulan

Alexandra Retno Wulan was born in Jakarta, Indonesian citizen. He was appointed as an Independent Commissioner based on the Decree of the Minister of BUMN Number; SK-17 / MBU / 01/2021. Previously, he worked as a Research Staff at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).


Dr. Ir. Arlan Septia A.R., MM.

Arlan Septian is an Indonesian citizen. He was appointed as an Independent Commissioner based on the Decree of the Minister of BUMN Number; SK-17 / MBU / 01/2021. Previously he served as President Director of PT U Connectivity Services, President Director of PT Alarik Regas Logistic, President Director of PT Reka Patria Ekaguna and Executive Director of PT Raga Perkasa Ekaguna. He is also active as a lecturer, among others, as a Lecturer in Marketing Science at the Faculty of Economics, Tarumanegara University, a permanent lecturer at the Indonesian Management Development Institute, and a Marketing Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sampoerna University, Jakarta.


Maj. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Widhioseno

Widhioseno was born in Bandung, an Indonesian citizen, was appointed as a Commissioner based on the Decree of the Minister of BUMN and the President Director of the Limited Liability Company (Persero) PT Len Industri as a shareholder of PT Pindad Number: SK-235/MBU/08/2023 and Number: 008/KRUPS/ LEN-PINDAD/VIII/2023 concerning Appointment of members of the Board of Commissioners of PT Pindad. Previously he served as a Level III Expert Staff Officer for Chief of Staff of the Army (Kasad) for Social Affairs (2022), Inspector for Kodam (Irdam) XII/Tanjungpura (2020), Head of Training for the Sesko TNI (2019), Commander of Cavalry Training Center (Danpusdikkav), Director of Armament Development (Dirbinsen) and Director of Research and Development (Dirlitbang) in Cavalry (2009-2017).
