

BoD of PT Pindad attend PT PEI’s farewell event

The BoD of PT Pindad (Persero) attended the Farewell of the Commissioners and Directors of PT Pindad Enjiniring Indonesia (PT PEI) which was held on Friday, January 7, 2022 at Outdoor Area of PT PEI Bandung. Attended by CEO of PT Pindad (Persero) Abraham Mose, Chief of Business Strategy officer Syaifuddin, Chief Business of Defense and Security Product officer Wijil Jadmiko, BoC & Directors of PT PEI and Echelon 1 officials.

The changes were Budhiarto as President Director of PT PEI, Bachtiarinto as Director of Administration and Finance, and Yanto Sugiharto as Commissioner of PT PEI.

CEO, Abraham Mose exressed his hope for PT PEI to be able to improve the company’s performance after the changes in the ranks of Commissioners & Directors of PT PEI.

“I hope that PT PEI can be more advanced and be able to compete in the engineering field so that it can become a company that is better known and becomes an expert in its field,” said Abraham Mose.

Chief of Business Strategy of PT Pindad (Persero), Syaifuddin who is also the President Commissioner of PT PEI in his speech expressed his gratitude to Mr. Hery Mochtady as the previous President Director of PT PEI for his performance and contribution and congratulate the new BoC & Directors.

Meanwhile, Hery Mochtady in his speech expressed his gratitude to the BoC and Directors of PT PEI who have cooperated during his tenure as President Director and also hopes to help and contribute more to PT Pindad (Persero) as a mother company.

The President Director of PT PEI, Budhiarto also expressed his gratitude for the trust that has been given to him to help this company to be more advanced.

“I am grateful for the trust given to me to bring the company to be better, I also with Pak Rinto and all staff will work hard and earnestly to achieve the targets that have been expected by the company,” said Budhiarto.

Congratulations on your duty, hopefully both of them can carry out their duties well to advance PT PEI.
