Taking place at Presidency Palace on 11 December 2006, Indonesia?s President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, accompanied with his Ministers of Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu, Panglima TNI, KSAD, KASAU and KASAL, and also President Director of PT. PINDAD, met with Indonesian delegation who was took part in Military Shooting Competition AARM (Asean Army Rifle Meet XVI) held in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 29 November until 9 December 2006, which participated by 10 ASEAN countries; Brunei, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Indonesia?s team came out as the overall champion by winning 24 gold, 10 silver and 9 bronze medals, and accepting 9 trophies. The achievement of Indonesia?s delegation was not aside from the weapons used during the competition.
The Assault Rifle made by PT. PINDAD (SS1 and SS2 series) are accounted of Indonesia?s delegation success for medals at the tournament. Moreover, the design and manufacture of the winning rifle (SS2) succeed to get high appreciation of Innovation in Industrial Technology from the Minister of Industry.
Superiority of the Assault Rifle made by PT. PINDAD has been proved by it success at several previous shooting competition abroad such as in Brunei Darussalam and other countries.
On behalf of the government and Indonesian people, Mr. President present the Honorable Medal of Achievement in Development to the President Director of PT. PINDAD, Mr. Budi Santoso, for his effort to develop, design, and produce the Assault Rifle (SS1 and SS2 series) with reliable quality which exceed other similar products.
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono thanked and highly appreciated the President Director of PT. PINDAD and his employees for producing such quality products. The world should know that Indonesia qualified for producing World Class Products.
Mr. President also expressed his proud since besides producing military products, PT. PINDAD also develops industrial machinery, bio-energy and agricultural equipments.
?We want our local industries to grow and expand to be World Class Industries?.
Public Relation