


PT Pindad carried out the release of 8 retired employees attended by the CEO, Abraham Mose on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at Graha Pindad Bandung. The release of this employee is based on Decree Number: Skep/7/P/BD/XII/2021, Skep/9/P/BD/XII/2021 dated December 21 and Skep/11/P/BD/XII/2021, Skep/ 12/P/BD/XII/2021 dated December 22, 2021. At this moment PT Pindad Employee Pension Fund (Dapen Pindad) also paid pension benefits in February 2022 as many as 8 people.

In his remarks, Abraham Mose expressed his gratitude to the retired employees who have been dedicated to PT Pindad so that Pindad can be where it is today.

“On behalf of the entire management of PT Pindad, I would like to thank all of you who have been dedicated for more than 30 years. This release does not mean the end, we must maintain the relationship because it is thanks to Mr and Mrs PT Pindad that we can be like now.” said Abraham.

Plt. President Director of Dapen Pindad, Neny Mulyany in her speech expressed her gratitude to the Pension Benefit recipients who have completed their duties at PT Pindad (Persero), not forgetting to also give advice to the Pension Benefit recipients to be careful and wise in using the benefit money. received pension.

Retirement Benefit payments are routinely carried out every month. The payment mechanism at the event is to invite beneficiaries, both Normal, Early Retirement, Widows/Widowers etc. to attend at a predetermined schedule and place. Dapen Pindad cooperates with Bank Mandiri in accommodating the value of the pension benefits received by each beneficiary.

On the same occasion, VP Human Capital Management, Amalia Maya Fitri in her speech also expressed her gratitude to the employees who have completed their tenure and officially entered retirement.

The event then continued with the distribution of souvenirs to retired employees and a group photo in front of Graha Pindad Bandung. Thank you for your dedication, hopefully the relationship will be maintained for the progress of PT Pindad (Persero).
