

CEO Pindad Explain Core Value AKHLAK: Adaptive on Leaders Talk

Chief Executive Officer of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose became the main speaker in the “Leaders Talk : Internalization of a New Moral Culture” on “Adaptive” session which is done online and broadcast live via Youtube Pindad Corporate University account on Friday, October 02, 2020 at Pindad Bandung. Leaders Talk was attended by Board of Directors and employees of the SOEs Defense Industry Cluster, also can be witnessed by public.

Leaders Talk is a continuation of the Core Values determination by Ministry of SOEs called Akhlak (Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif) by the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir on the last July 1. As SOEs Core Value, “Akhlak” must also be the values and work culture for every BUMN, including PT Pindad (Persero).

On this occasion, Abraham Mose had the opportunity to internalize the Core Values “Akhlak” especially in the “Adaptive” material which is closely related to the vision and the culture at PT Pindad (Persero). The keywords for Adaptive are Innovasion, Enthusiasm for Change and be Proactive.

Adaptive value of PT Pindad (Persero) in supporting national defense and security including meeting the needs of the TNI, for example, can be seen from product development of the SS2 V5-A1. SS2 V5-A1 has the advantage of being more compact and lighter, thus supporting troop movements and facing close combat scenarios. The main function of the SS2 V5-A1 rifle is to fulfill the needs of defense in urban areas, especially with the emergence of terrorism and separatism cases, while still having proven quality and shot accuracy that has been tested.

Another innovation delivered by Abraham Mose is the 4x4 Maung Light Tactical Vehicle, which is the result of joint research and development with the Research and Development of Army Infantry and industrial ecosystem to fulfill the needs of vehicles capable of transporting personnel and conquering difficult terrain with agile mobility. 

PT Pindad (Persero) also during the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to creating Ventilator products that have been certified by the BPFK. Abraham Mose also explained innovations in the heavy equipment and agricultural sectors by presenting Excavators, tractors of various variants, rice drying machines, harvesters and planting rota that can support food security.

Innovations and contributions of PT Pindad (Persero) cannot be separated from the role of Pindad's Human Resources that are good quality and able to move quickly in facing change. Before ending the presentation, Abraham Mose explained that with the many changes that occur every day also in uncertain conditions, we must be adaptive and face the various challenges that arise.

The Leaders Talk activity was continued with discussion and interactive question with answer as well as a quiz with prizes.
