DEFEND ID Holds Digitalization Training for MME, Encouraging Business Partners to Upgrade
Subang – Indonesian Defense Industry Holding DEFEND ID holds Middle-to-Micro Enterprises Digitalization Training with the theme “Middle-to-Micro Enterprises Upgrade Development Through Go Digital”. The activity included in the HUT Perdana Holding Event Schedule is held at Len Techno Park, Subang and also online through the Zoom application on Wednesday, March 1st 2023.
The Len Industry’s Director of Environment and Social Responsibilities, Emma Sri Sakti, announces, DEFEND ID which consists of Len Industry as the holding parent, PINDAD, PAL, PTDI, and DAHANA holds digitalization training for Middle-to-Micro Enterprises. This program is the result of the industries’ involvement in environmental, social and societal construction.
“Because of that, we, CSR DEFEND ID cooperates in the optimalization of the Middle-to-Micro Enterprises training program, in order to walk forward towards the era of digitalization. Middle-to-Micro Enterprises in Indonesia has a big role in this country’s economic growth. In the current condition, Middle-to-Micro Enterprises are undertaking from the Covid-19 Post Pandemic conditions, we at CSR BUMN Defense Industries are willing with to assist Middle-to-Micro Enterprises with go digital in order to gain the ability to compete and go international”, Emma states.
In this event, DEFEND ID collaborates with multiple parties to become the speaker which consists of, Budiana Yusuf (kotasubang.com) elaborating on “Advertisement Content Creation and Product Promotion Through the Media”, Tanti Sri Gandini (Subang Governmental Regency Service Acquisition Unit) which elaborates upon “Product Advertisement Via Governmental E-Catalogue”, as well as Muhammad Agung (Genpro of the Pasundan Area), discussing “Product Advertisement Optimalization Via TikTok”.
In his presentation, Budiana elaborates on the technicality of the procedures in which social media can be used for advertising, from the creation of consumer attention grabbing packaging, product photo shoots, video editing, as well as utilizing the canals of E-Commerce which allows live features as a promotion medium.
Meanwhile Tanti explains further regarding the benefits of local catalogues for product supplies, some which are the ability to conduct an electronic transaction with the government, expanding job opportunities and product marketing, reducing marketing prices as efficiently as possible, as well as ease of transaction.
Lastly, Agung elaborates towards the audience of the training program the importance of TikTok during today’s product advertisement, as Agung claims that TikTok is able to reach the accurate target audience with its sophisticated algorithms, and more so that the cost used in promoting Via TikTok is low, perhaps even free. As of right now, TikTok is equipped with an E-Commerce feature which assists Middle-to-Micro Enterprises and possible customers during transactions.
This even is made possible by the unified collaboration of CSR members of DEFEND ID Holding in executing the social care and responsibilities program. This was blessed by the Head CSR DAHANA, Eman Suherman.
“With this event, we aim to have even more partners of DEFEND ID to assist in reaching the market, be it national or global. This is not an empty talk, as a number of our assisted partners of DAHANA has managed to reach the international market, be it a Middle-to-Micro Enterprise of the coffee industry, or the creative industry”, Eman Suherman states to the audience.