

Supporting SOE’s movement, employees of Pindad convalesent plasma donors at Indonesian Red Cross Ban

In order to support the convalescent plasma donor movement in the Ministry of BUMN and BUMN, Pindad employees also conducted a convalescent plasma donor at the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Bandung City, Blood Donation Unit on Wednesday, February 10, 2021.

Donors who are Covid-19 survivors must go through a screening process and meet the criteria set by PMI.

Convalescent plasma therapy is a method of recovery that aims to provide antibodies from covid-19 survivors. Blood plasma containing antibodies from donors is taken by apheresis method and then transfused into patients who need it.

Corporate Communications Manager of Pindad, Komarudin, who was also a donor, said that Pindad supports the Ministry of BUMN's conventional plasma donor movement and hopes to accelerate the healing process for other Covid-19 patients.

Prospective donors can register through the site, the Ayo Donor PMI application, and can contact the call center at 117 extension 5.
