Support Buruan SAE program, Pindad gets a certificate of appreciation from Mayor of Bandung
PT Pindad (Persero) received a certificate of appreciation from the Mayor of Bandung as an appreciation for supporting the "Buruan SAE" program all this time. The certificate was handed over by the Mayor of Bandung, Oded M. Danial to the Junior Manager PKBL, Yunus Somantri on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at Saung Udjo Bandung.
The Mayor of Bandung explained, Buruan SAE is not limited to running ordinary urban farming. However, integrating many concepts in one location with a variety of commodities, not only being a growing medium for vegetables, but also inserting medicinal plant fruits to processing produce and seeding at one point. It can also be integrated with livestock, both fish and poultry.
Meanwhile, Head of Food and Agriculture Security Service Bandung (DKPP), Gin Gin Ginanjar, revealed that almost 96 percent of food needs in Bandung come from outside the region. To build food security for urban communities, it is the government's solution to avoid dependence on external supplies.
“Like it or not, we must have the ability to produce our own. Through the existing limitations we can utilize the land around the house. There are vegetables, there are fish, so people's consumption needs can be met in the same area," said Gin Gin.
Gin Gin also expressed his appreciation to Pindad for consistently supporting Buruan SAE’s program.
"Pindad has handed over its land to be managed as Buruan SAE and has been able to empower nearly 10 Buruan SAE’s bounty groups and build windmills, electricity facilities and water reservoirs," said Gin Gin.
PT Pindad (Persero) mendapatkan piagam penghargaan dari Walikota Bandung sebagai
Apresiasi karena telah mendukung program "Buruan sae" selama ini. Piagam diserahkan oleh Walikota Bandung, Oded M. Danial kepada Junior Manajer PKBL, Yunus Somantri pada Kamis, 9 September 2021 di Saung Udjo Bandung.
Wali kota Bandung memaparkan, Buruan SAE tidak sebatas menjalankan urban farming biasa. Namun mengintegrasikan banyak konsep dalam satu lokasi dengan beragam komoditas, bukan hanya menjadi media tanam untuk sayuran, tetapi turut disisipi buah-buahan tanaman obat hingga pengolahan hasil dan pembibitannya di satu titik. Itu juga dapat terintgrasi dengan peternakan, baik ikan maupun ungas.
Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Pertanian (DKPP) Kota Bandung, Gin Gin Ginanjar mengungkapkan, hampir 96 persen kebutuhan pangan di Kota Bandung berasal dari luar daerah. Untuk membangun ketahanan pangan masyarakat perkotaan menjadi solusi pemerintah dalam menghindari ketergantungan pasokan dari luar.
“Suka tidak suka, kita harus punya kemampuan untuk menghasilkan sendiri. Melalui keterbatasan yang ada kita bisa memanfaatklan lahan di sekitar rumah. Ada sayur, ada ikan jadi kebutuhan konsumsi warga bisa terpenuhi di satu areal yang sama,” ujar Gin Gin.
Gin Gin juga menyampaikan apresiasi kepada Pindad yang secara konsisten mendukung program Buruan SAE.
"Pindad sudah menyerahkan lahannya untuk dikelola menjadi buruan SAE dan dapat memberdayakan hampir 10 kelompok Buruan SAE baru serta membangun kincir angin, fasilitas listrik dan tandon air, ujar Gin Gin.
PT Pindad
(Persero) received a certificate of appreciation from the Mayor of Bandung as an
appreciation for supporting the "Buruan SAE" program all this time.
The certificate was handed over by the Mayor of Bandung, Oded M. Danial to the
Junior Manager PKBL, Yunus Somantri on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at Saung
Udjo Bandung.
The Mayor of
Bandung explained, Buruan SAE is not limited to running ordinary urban farming.
However, integrating many concepts in one location with a variety of
commodities, not only being a growing medium for vegetables, but also inserting
medicinal plant fruits to processing produce and seeding at one point. It can
also be integrated with livestock, both fish and poultry.
Meanwhile, Head
of Food and Agriculture Security Service Bandung (DKPP), Gin Gin Ginanjar,
revealed that almost 96 percent of food needs in Bandung come from outside the
region. To build food security for urban communities, it is the government's
solution to avoid dependence on external supplies.
“Like it or not,
we must have the ability to produce our own. Through the existing limitations we
can utilize the land around the house. There are vegetables, there are fish, so
people's consumption needs can be met in the same area," said Gin Gin.
Gin Gin also
expressed his appreciation to Pindad for consistently supporting Buruan SAE’s program.
"Pindad has
handed over its land to be managed as Buruan SAE and has been able to empower
nearly 10 Buruan SAE’s bounty groups and build windmills, electricity
facilities and water reservoirs," said Gin Gin.