Boost innovation, SOE manufacturing cluster launches IMLI and IDMRI
Defense Industry
SOE Cluster
No. 11/VI/2021/defendID
The Manufacturing Cluster launched the Indonesia Manufacturing Learning Institute (IMLI) and Indonesia Defense & Manufacturing Research Institute (IDMRI) on June 22, 2021. The online launch of IMLI and IDMRI ws marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding attended by Deputy Minister 1 of SOEs of The Republic of Indonesia Pahala Mansury.
In his keynote speech, Pahala Mansury said that the presence of IMLI and IDMRI as a form of embodiment of Core Values AKHLAK, Adaptive and Collaborative.
“I invite all of the CEO, Board of Directors, GM and all staff to build innovation and collaboration that can support our business development. Through these two institutions, let’s build a work culture to innovate and develop our best talents also collaborate between SOEs with one another,” Pahala Nugraha Mansury explained.
Still according to Pahala Nugraha Mansury, the development of SOEs people, business model development, innovation, research institutes and the development of AKHLAK culture are very important to be implanted in a mindset to be able to continue to grow and develop. Excution in the development of Learning Organizations through research agendas and curriculum, as well as partnerships with campuses, think tanks, and international institutions are required in this program.
“BY realizing innovation and human resource development, we hope that in the future this Manufacturing Cluster SOEs company can produce new products, new services, new business development, so that they can become leaders in each industry,” conclude Pahala Nugraha Mansury.
Meanwhile, President Diretor of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk Silmy Karim said in his speech regarding the purpose of establishing IMLI and IDMRI.
“In this SOEs Center of Excellence, the existence of two institutes in the fields of learning and research are two mutually supportive and supportive components that will ultimately enourage business entities in the cluster to become more competitive and provide benefits. Learning will increase competency and capability which will be able to encourage research to create innovations so that in the future institutes in Manufacturing Cluster can become a reference point for companies or individuals outside the cluster or outside SOEs who want to improve capabilities and research in manufacturing,” said Silmy.
PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk was appointed to be the coordinator in the Manufacturing Cluster which oversees the Steel Sub-cluster, Defense Sub-cluster, and Survey Sub-cluster. The Defense Sub-cluster consisting of PT Dahana (Persero), PT Pindad (Persero), PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), and PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) with PT Len Industri (Persero) as Coordinator of Defense Industry of SOEs. In addition, the Survey Sub-cluster consist of PT Sucofindo and PT Surveyor Indonesia with PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia as Coordinator of Survey Sub-cluster.
This Learning Institute is a forum for implementing technical learning according to the needs of cluster, and has the authority to formulate policies, strategies, standardization, and collaboration in implementation of learning within the focus area/cluster of SOEs, which consist of school. School is a place for implementing learning which is the strength point or uniqueness of each SOEs in accordance with the sub-focus areas determined through the Learning Institute.
On the other hand, the Indonesia Defense & Manufacturing Research Institute is also being developed in a program owned by Manufacturing Cluster. The Research Institute is a forum for carrying out research & innovation that is technical in nature according to the needs of cluster, and has the authority to formulate policies, strategies, standardization, and collaboration in the implementation of research & innovation in focus area/cluster of SOEs consisting of the Research Lab as a forum for the implementation of research & innovation according to the focus area determined through the Research Institute.
The Indonesia Defense & Manufacturing Research Institute is a consolidation center that was initiated by Research Labs, where every each of Reserch Laboratory coordinated by Backbone industry from related technologies.
“This Research Institute aims to strengthen industial capabilities and technology, optimize operating models and provide policy recommendations so that it can become a world-class R&I Strategic Institute,” said Chief of Technology and Development of PT Pindad (Persero), Ade Bagdja in his presentation to represent the Director of Technology and Development of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Gita Amperiawan as a Coordinator of Research Institute.
With the launch and establishment of Indonesia Manufacturing Learning Institute and Indonesia Defense & Manufacturing Research Institute through a Memorandum of Understanding signed by all SOEs of Manufacturing cluster, SOEs company will carry out their role as providers of Pool of Knowledge, Pool of Experts & Learning Facility, providing experiments labs with relevant and emerging technologies, as well as providing a forum for collaboration, maintaining governance and methodologies.
Komunikata Team
SOEs Defense Industry
Rastina Anggraeni
GM Institutional & Corporate Communiation PT Len Industri (Persero)
Ph. 0856 2369 506
Juli Jajuli
Publi Relations & Institutional Manager PT Dahana (Persero)
Ph. 082 111 546 999