Initiate to synergies om energy security, Head of BPH Migas visits Pindad
Head of BPH Migas; M. Fanshurullah Asa accompanied by the BPH Migas Committee; Ahmad Rizal, Sumihar Panjaitan, Saryono Hadiwidjoyo with the Secretary of BPH Migas; Bambang Utoro and his ranks conducted a working visit to PT Pindad (Persero), on Tuesday, April 6, 2021. Chief Business of Industrial Products officer of PT Pindad (Persero), Suharyono and GM of the Service Industry Equipment Division; Andri Setiyoso, GM of the Transportation Infrastructure Division, Hardantono, President Director of Pindad International Logistics, Suresh Ferdinand and his staff warmly welcomed the working visit of the Head of BPH Migas.
This work visit is a follow-up to the signing of BPH Migas with PT Pindad (Persero) in the field of monitoring the distribution of Oil and Gas Fuel in November 2020. The next agenda is the initiation of synergy in order to ensure the availability of fuel in all areas of the Republic of Indonesia through product filling stations. sear small size.
Suharyono started his remarks by saying an apology because the CEO of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose, could not be able to join and welcome directly due to other agenda at the same time. "Pindad is indeed aggressively optimizing industrial business in addition to our main business lines in the defense and security sector. One of our completed products is fulfilling the assignment from Pertamina Retail, namely 300 units of Pertashop Products. We hope that with our competence and experience, we can be more trusted, especially in the field of energy security. Regarding the need in the security sector, of course we will note it and can discuss it, and we hope that a synergy can be formed between Pindad and BPH Migas ". Concluded Suharyono.
The head of BPH Migas appreciates the greeting and the cooperation that has been established with PT Pindad (Persero). "Our goal here is to follow up on the MoU that was jointly signed in the field of defense. We are also trying to guarantee fuel prices throughout the Republic of Indonesia through mini gas stations. Pertamina as a state-owned company that guarantees fuel distribution has collaborated with Pindad to fulfill mini gas stations. , namely Pertashop. With a very high need for 2021, we want to review and monitor related strategies, scheduling, and production facilities up to the monthly target of the required achievements and what schools meet the needs of BBM products. "By the Head of BPH Migas.
The activity continued with a presentation of the materials for Pertashop products (small-scale fuel distributors) and fuel dispensers for the refueling needs of PT Pindad (Persero) 's production. After the presentation of the material, the discussion and question and answer took place actively and warmly and provided input for improving the quality of PT Pindad (Persero) 's products. The activity then saw group photos and the exchange of souvenirs and a review session of PT Pindad (Persero) 's production facilities.