

PT Pindad had a Technical Meeting as an Advanced Stage of Military Product Design Competition

PT Pindad (Persero) together with Telkom University held a Technical Meeting of the "Military Creative Fest" 2020 contest, which was a contest to design weapons and special vehicles in PT Pindad Multipurpose Room, Bandung (16/3). Military Creative Fest Contest is held to capture superior and creative individuals in the field of military product design. Windhu Paramarta, Vice President of Innovation at PT Pindad (Persero) opened a technical meeting and expressed his admiration for the enthusiastic participants and various creative designs that emerged. "Many creative and innovative product designs, it is not impossible for the participants who passed this to have potential to be contracted by PT Pindad to support us in producing innovation and product development" said Windhu. Military Creative Fest Competition is one of a series of internal collaborations between PT Pindad (Persero) and Telkom University.

The technical meeting was a continuation of a series of competitions which had previously been carried out and after going through an evaluation by the judges. Participants who passed were Telkom University students, 17 students in total, 5 students for the weapons design competition and 12 students for the special vehicle design competition. The judges for the evaluation of the contest came from Telkom University Lecturers are Diena Yudiari, Hardy Adiluhung, Terbit Setya, Fajar Sadika, Zulkarnain, Yanuar Herlambang. Then the judges from Pindad were Windhu Paramarta (VP of PT Pindad Innovation (Persero)) and Sena Maulana (President Director of PT. PEI) and Maman Abdurahman, Director of Bandung Techno Park.

The technical meeting was opened by introducing various military products (weapons and special vehicles) owned by PT Pindad (Persero). Participants then listened to the explanation of the competition rules and master geometry (dimensions, general standard provisions, type requirements - adjusting to the requirements of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) unit) which were applied to the advanced stages of the military product design competition. The advanced stage of the design competition becomes more difficult but more interesting because contestants are challenged to produce creative products according to the specifications required by the TNI.

Next stage, participants will work on the design of military products in according to the requirements and regulations described at the Technical Meeting. The final design results are collected no later than April 15, 2020. Participants will then be gathered to present the results of their military product designs as part of the final stage evaluation of the competition on April 16, 2020. Lastly, the announcement of the winners will be announced on April 18, 2020. Hopefully, a military product design competition can become bigger, wider and openly to the public.
