

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Conducts Familiarization

Chief Business of Defense and Security Products of PT Pindad (Persero), Heru Puryanto welcomed a visit from the General Director of Supervision of Marine and Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Dr. Tb. Haeru Rahayu, A.Pi., M.Sc accompanied by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervision, Ir. Suharta, M.Si, Director of Fleet Monitoring and Operations of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Pung Nugroho Saksono, A.Pi, MM along with the ranks of Head of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Base from 14 regions in Indonesia on Thursday, November 5, 2020 at Graha Pindad, Bandung.

The KKP's visit today is for the Familiarization of the .222 Caliber Shoulder Rifle (SB2-V2) which will be used within the Ministry.

Heru Puryanto in his remarks welcomed and appreciated the KKP and explained about the .222 Caliber Shoulder Rifle (SB2-V2).

"It is an honor, Pindad appreciation through our products used for KKP. One of the non-TNI POLRI weapons, one of which is the .222 caliber, has been used at BIN. Bakamla uses 12.7mm. We accept any input for product progress. Hopefully Pindad can continue to support the KKP's needs, "said Heru

General Director of Marine Resources and Fisheries Supervision of KKP, Dr. Tb Haeru Rahayu expressed his gratitude to Pindad for organizing Familiarization of .222 Caliber SB2-V2 Shoulder Guns.

"Today there are 14 Heads of Bridgehead who are participating in this familiarization, because these friends will be the user of those weapons. With this familiarization, I hoped that the KKP will believe in (weapons) use."

Also, on this occasion Tb Haeru Rahayu said that the KKP wanted to ensure that the weapons ordered by the KKP were in accordance with the number and quality tested.

Director of Monitoring and Fleet Operations of KKP, Pung Nugroho Saksono, expressed his pride for the products produced by Pindad.

“The SB-2 is attractive, has great performance and can be installed with a damper. The results of Pindad's production really prove that their weapons have been used in international competitions. The nation's children are already greater than what they are proud of, "said Pung Nugroho Saksono.

Pung Nugroho Saksono also hopes that the collaboration will not only be a purchase, but also cooperation for maintenance. The next activity was Familiarization of .222 Caliber Shoulder Weapons (SB-2 V-2) at the shooting range of PT Pindad (Persero).
