New Innovation


Amphibious vehicle made by Pindad Launch in 2015

JAKARTA, - Panzer amphibious PT Pindad (Persero), Anoa, is expected to be launched in 2015. Later, these combat vehicles will be able to operate in the waters.

Director of Planning and Development Pindad, Wahyu Utomo said the current Anoa newly developed amphibious species to be run on the lake and in the river. However, it remains to develop the technology to be able to walk on the sea. "There were guns too, recovery, logistics," said Wahyu, Jakarta, Friday (10/04/2013).

Meanwhile, the Marketing Manager of PT Pindad (Persero), Sena Maulana said Anoa Amphibious development programs that can run on lakes and rivers, will be carried out until 2014.

"In year 2015 will be at sea with hydrojet technology," he said when contacted on Friday. For information, this program in collaboration between PINDAD with Italy. Next year, the locally-made APCs will undergo a dynamic test.

New Innovation
