

Ministry of SOE Visit to PT Pindad (Persero)

In order to supervise the Penyertaan Modal Negara (State Capital Participation) or PMN funds usage, delegation of Ministry State Owned Enterprise (SOE) visited PT Pindad (Persero) on Friday, February 20th, 2015. The delegation accepted by PT Pindad (Persero) Finance Director, Sonatha Halim Jusuf at Auditorium Directorate Building of PT Pindad (Persero), Bandung. Also attended this event were the Board of Directors, top management, and related staffs of PT Pindad (Persero). We are grateful for your time to visit PT Pindad (Persero). Hopefully, this visit could be convinced you to provide us the PMN funds, said Sonata Halim Jusuf on his welcoming speech.

According to the head of delegation, Deputy of Business Infrastructure of Ministry of SOE, Harry Susetyo Nugroho, this visit aimed to ask some inputs from PT Pindad (Persero) as non public SOE company regarding Minister Regulation making plan which related to monitoring of 2015 PMN funds usgae that would be given to 35 SOE companies. SOE Ministry is preparing the Minister Regulation about 2015 PMN funds monitoring, whereas the monitoring process is done in specifically way, said Harry. Before, Ministry of SOE had asked inputs to some SOE public companies in Jakarta. With visit to non public SOE company such as PT Pindad (Persero), the Ministry hoped that could get inputs that can be considered to support the Minister Regulation making.

Ministry of SOE highlighted that the important thing on PMN funds usage is the changes that happened on the implementation phase. The important thing is when there will be some changes that should be reported. Business plan that have made, always has some shifting issues. The short preparation phase will make the accurate plan could be missed, added Harry.

On this opportunity, Director of Technology and Development Ade Bagdja gave a presentation about bried report about the previous PMN funds usage which utilized more for building the production facilities in order to increase company production capacity. He also added some factors why Pindad deserves the follow up PMN funds. President Jokowis instruction is to increase national industry revenue for 30-40 percent in 5 years. Therefore, Pindad needs the follow-up funds to fulfill that instruction because without new production facilities, we cant increase the production capacity, said Ade.

Moreover, according to Ade Bagdja, the follow-up PMN funds needed to build some factors that supporting company performance. This PMN funds will be used for human resources development, business development, system development, capacity improvement, and independency development to reach company vision as Asian leading manufacturer in defense and security equipment  in 2023 and we have independent, health, and continuous growth defence industry altogether, said Ade.

That days event also filled with visit to production facilities of PT Pindad (Persero) i.e Special Vehicle Division and Weapon Division. The delegation of Ministry of SOE also had an opportunity to experience performance of Anoa 6x6 Armored Combat Vehicle and SS2 Assault Riffle. (Anggia)
