The Visit of the Head of BPFK Reviews the Pindad Ventilator Production Facility
Chief Technology and Development of PT Pindad (Persero), Ade Bagdja along with the President Director of PT Pindad Enjiniring Indonesia (PEI), Sena Maulana welcomed a visit from the Head of the Health Facilities Safety Center (BPFK) Ministry of Health, Prastowo Nugroho and his entourage at Pindad office Bandung on Thursday, 9 July 2020.
In his remarks, Sena Maulana expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the visit of the Head of BPFK and the testing team. Sena explained the ventilator that was manufactured by Pindad Inc. has 2 types, called Pindad VRM and Covent-20 which is emergency ventilators and transportation which a product of cooperation between Pindad Inc. with the University of Indonesia.
This visit in order to further review of the manufacturing of Pindad's ventilators.
The head of BPFK, Prastowo Nugroho, expressed his appreciation for the acknowledgment from Pindad. Prastowo explained the purpose of this visit was to find out how the developer produce and developing their products.
"We chose to visit Pindad regarding the ventilator developer. This visit was also a self-evaluation material for the BPFK team on how the developer, in this case Pindad, developed the product. And to see the initial process of product formation until later when it starts production", said Pranowo.
Product Development and Industrial Process Manager of PT Pindad (Persero), Andri Setiyoso explained about the manual resuscitator ventilator. Then Andri introduced products made by Pindad Inc. for the prevention of Covid-19, including PPE, Cannon Spray, Mobile Sterilization Chamber, also explain about the BSL-2 in collaboration with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT).
Activities in BPFK's visit were to visit production facilities and test the performance of weapons and combat vehicles made by Pindad.