The Visit of the Head of the West Java Housing and Settlement Service Review Stungta x Pindad
GM Industrial Equipment & Services PT Pindad (Persero), Wiweka Hernadi accompanied by the President Director of PT Top Tekno Indo (Hejotekno), Betha Kurniawan welcomed a visit from the Head of the West Java Province Housing and Settlement Service, Boy Iman Nugraha along with a group of representatives of regency and city government in West Java on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at the Pindad Auditorium Room, Bandung.
West Java Kadisperkim visit was to inspect Stungta x Pindad. Stungta is a smokeless incinerator that adopts environmentally friendly and energy efficient technology.
In his remarks, Wiweka Hernadi expressed his appreciation for the visit of the West Java Head of Industry and Culture and his entourage. Wiweka said that Stungta is a product of collaboration between Pindad and Hejotekno which is quite proud because approximately 80% of Stungta is a domestic product.
"In the future, Pindad will try to produce raw materials for Stungta so
that Stungta is fully domestic production. In the future, we will conduct joint
studies and R&D research for the development of Stungta's products. So that
apart from destroying the waste, it can also produce an energy source,
"explained Wiweka.
Wiweka then explained that Pindad not only produces weapons, munitions and combat vehicles, but Pindad is one of the companies that supports and produces green products.
West Java Kadisperkim, Boy Iman Nugraha, expressed his appreciation for the acceptance of Pindad. This meeting was attended by representatives of district and municipal governments in West Java, who are the main group of incinerator users, who are at the forefront of waste disposal in the community.
"We invite several representatives of city districts in West Java related to the Citarum Harum program, which plans to build waste processing in 77 points along Citarum," explained Boy.
Previously, Stungta has been operated to process waste in Jelekong, Bandung Regency and can be an illustration for waste processing solutions in other areas in West Java.
Boy Iman hopes that this meeting will produce a follow-up for Stungta, also hopes that the co-production incinerator between Pindad and Hejotekno can become proud pioneers in Indonesia, especially West Java.
The activity was then continued by observing and demonstrating Stungta, as well as testing out Pindad weaponry products by shooting.