

KKIP review the readiness of Pindad's Medium Tank and Munitions Program

Chief Technology and Development Officer of PT Pindad (Persero), Ade Bagdja accompanied by the Chief Business of Defense and Security Product Officer, Wijil Jadmiko along with GMs welcomed a visit from the Head of Planning for the Defense Industry Policy Committee (Kabidren KKIP), Laksda TNI (Purn.) Darwanto and KKIP officials on Friday, January 22nd, 2021 at Pindad’s head office, Bandung.

Kabidren KKIP, Laksda TNI Darwanto, conveyed that the KKIP visit this time was in order to learn the activities related to national program, which in this case were regarding the Medium Tank and Munition products which would later be used as a reference in making policies or decisions for future development of the defense industry.

During today's visit, KKIP also wanted to know the extent to which the defense industry has developed itself and how the existing policies have been implemented. Laksda TNI Darwanto hoped that from this meeting KKIP will get a clear and comprehensive understanding for the development of future progress in the defense industry.

The activity was then continued with discussions and visits to production facilities and testing Pindad products by shooting.
