
1. Statement of Notification of Amendment to the Company's Articles of Association of the Company (Persero) PT Pindad number AHU-AH.01.03-0119660 dated March 21st, 2017 which has been registered in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights based on Notarial Deed No. 273 dated February 24th, 2017 concerning the Declaration of Shareholders of PT. Pindad (Persero) made by Notary Nining Puspitaningtyas, SH, MH.
2. Main Business Number (NIB) number 8120104902682 established on September 28th, 2018.
3. Company Domicile Certificate Number 503 /13 / DP / SKPR / IX / 2019. Issued by Bandung City Government, Kiaracondong District, Sukapura Village on September 20th, 2019 and is valid for 1 year.
4. Certificate of Not Bankrupt Number W10.U1 / 846 / Pdt.02 / II / 2020/ 03 issued by the Registrar of the Central Jakarta District / Commercial Court dated February 26th, 2020.
5. Bandung Mayor Permit Number: 503 / IG-1905 / BPPT / 2011 Regarding Nuisance Permit.
