

Millennials Pindad Attends Dahana's Anniversary

10 Milenials PT Pindad (Persero) attended the summit of the 52nd anniversary of PT Dahana (Persero) on Monday, October 22, 2018 at Bale Dahana, Subang. Other millennials of NDHI clusters were also present to enliven the event. This year's theme is "Jumping Higher".

Dahana's President Director, Budi Antono, in his speech hoped that the millennial generation would become the next generation of the predecessor's struggle to improve to become even better.

Various activities commemorating the anniversary have been held including sports, cross country, CSR week, malem market (Sarlem) and so on.

The contemporary competition, the mobile legend competition, is also held for millenials along with vloging together and a plant tour.

Happy birthday to PT Dahana (Persero). Hopefully more jumps higher, grows rapidly in developing the country.
