

Snaps Harvesting Helps Citizen' Economic Growth

The urban farming program which was initiated by the PT Pindad (Persero) Partnership & Community Development Program (PKBL) some time ago, has entered the harvest season. A total of 18 kg of organic snaps were successfully harvested on Friday, January 17, 2020, while the number of requests reached 33 kg. Snaps harvest periods can be done every 3 to 7 times in the planting period.

The program manager together with sharecroppers, Family Welfare Movement (PKK) ladies and Sukapura Urban Village Chief Asep Darodjat who participated in the beans harvesting at TPST land which functioned as a gardening village.

The farmer coordinator, Iskandar, is happy with the harvest this time. "Thank God, the harvest of the snaps is abundant, fresh and healthy".
The urban farming program initiated by Pindad aims to get the community to actively participate in gardening on available land with assistance from the company.

Hopefully the smooth harvest and sales can provide added value and help foster the economic growth of working smallholder farmers.
