

TNI Commander Reviewing Revitalization of Sasmitaloka Museum, Great Commander General Soedirman

The Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander Reviewing the Revitalization of Sasmitaloka Museum, Great Commander General Soedirman. TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto accompanied by Kasad, Kasau, and Kasal observed directly the revitalization progress of the Sasmitaloka Museum, Great Commander Soedirman after performing a pilgrimage to the tombs of several national figures and heroes on Thursday, September 20 2018 , in the context of the 73rd anniversary of the TNI. In a series of pilgrimages to the grave of General Sudirman, the TNI Commander stopped by to see first hand the repair of the museum which had once been his official residence from 1945 to 1948.

During a visit to the Sasmitaloka Museum, the TNI Commander and his entourage were briefed by Kadisjarahad, Brigadier General Djashar Djamil who delivered a history of the museum and CEO of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose who delivered the museum's revitalization progress to date.

Abraham Mose said that the museum's revitalization progress had reached 70%, including physical arrangement, garden landscape arrangement or museum pedestal area as well as the latest multimedia use. Multimedia facilities that are equipped include: future museum design, collection object catalog, profile video and story line of Pangsar Jenderal Soedirman. On the occasion, Abraham Mose submitted a book on the revitalization progress report.

The TNI Commander said that the TNI Academy cadets as the next generation must carry out a visit to the Sasmitaloka museum in order to know and learn about the history of the struggle of the Great Commander General Sudirman, including during the 3 months 28 days of the TKR guerrilla struggle in the Yogyakarta area. Not only studying the guerrilla route, in the museum there are also various collections that existed at the time of the Dutch government, so that it could increase knowledge for TNI cadets.

In 1968 the museum building was used as a central museum of the Army, then in 1982 the building was inaugurated as the Sasmitaloka Museum, Great Commander General Soedirman . Occupational status and status of this building are national level cultural heritage buildings.