

Inauguration of Strata 1 Officer of PT Pindad (Persero) December 2021

CEO of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose inaugurated Strata 1 Officers on Monday, December 27, 2021 at the Pindad Auditorium, Bandung. This activity was also attended by the Board of Directors and Strata 1 officials in the Pindad environment. Today's inauguration and handover of positions are carried out while still complying with the health protocols that apply during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The appointed officials include:

Vice President of Supply Chain – Imam Diawarman

Vice President of Corporate Performance Planning Division - Hery Mochtady

Plt. President Director of PT PEI – Budhiarto

In his remarks, Abraham Mose said that the changes made are things that are usually carried out and considered by the Board of Directors as well as possible so that it is hoped that the performance of PT Pindad (Persero) can be better.

"Through the inauguration and handover of positions today, I hope that PT Pindad (Persero) and its subsidiaries can record better performance. Changes between officials are commonplace and need to be done so that internal consolidation can show that we are growing. I also hope that the newly inaugurated Pindad officials will contribute and be able to prove the best results for the growth of PT Pindad,” explained Abraham Mose.

Abraham Mose then expressed his gratitude to the previous Strata 1 officials who had contributed to the progress and growth of PT Pindad (Persero). Abraham Mose hopes that Pindad will continue to be able to record better performance and performance and with the inauguration of strata 1 officials it can be useful for the company, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic.
