Advised to all stakeholders of PINDAD PT (Persero), there has been fraud through doubling (phishing) on our official website of PT. Pindad (Persero) for the benefit of recruitment throughwebsite address http://www.recruitment-pindad.com address and http://www.rekrutmenpindad.com
We inform that our official website is http://www.pindad.com , including recruitment for the benefit of employees.
To that end, we adviced all stakeholders of PT Pindad (Persero) not to respond and perform a response / feedback on sites in addition to the official website of PT Pindad (Persero) for any purpose, including recruitment. We are not responsible for any loss of both material and immaterial arising on fraud / doubling the site.
And to those who commit fraud / doubling of the official website of PT Pindad (Persero), we asked to immediately stop such action, because we will take legal action on fraud and doubling our official website.
Bandung, 29th April 2015
PT. PINDAD (Persero)
Corporate Secretary