Submission of DEFEND ID Examination Report by BPK RI at Pindad
President Director of PT Len Industri (Persero) Bobby Rasyidin, the CEO of PT Pindad Abraham Mose, President Director of PT DI Gita Amperiawan, President Director of PT Pal Indonesia Kaharuddin Djenod, and President Director of PT Dahana Wildan Widarman along with the DEFEND ID Board of Directors welcome Chairman VII of the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI), Hendra Susanto and his staff on Monday, 05 June 2023 at PT Pindad Auditorium Bandung. This activity was also attended by the Head of the Internal Control Unit (SPI) Defense Industry Holding (Indhan) DEFEND ID.
As for the purpose of the visit of BPK RI representatives to PT Pindad in the context of Submission of Audit Reports where this activity serves to check compliance with Indhan's empowerment of the Defense Industry Hoding, Subsidiaries and related Agencies.
The CEO of PT Pindad, Abraham Mose in his remarks welcomed the BPK RI ranks and also conveyed a glimpse of the company that is currently part of the defense industry holding, DEFEND ID.
"PT Pindad is an Indonesian defense industry company that is incorporated in the DEFEND ID holding where PT Pindad has 2 core businesses, namely defense and security products such as Weapons, Munitions and Combat Vehicles as well as Industrial products such as Heavy Equipment, Alsintan, Transportation Infrastructure and other,” Abraham Mose explained.
On the same occasion the Chairman VII of BPK RI, Hendra Susanto conveyed several objectives and scope of the audit, positive achievements, inspection notes and also provided recommendations to companies that are members of the DEFEND ID holding.
"This activity is intended to gain adequate confidence and make conclusions about how the empowerment of the defense industry at the DEFEND ID holding is appropriate and meets the requirements of the applicable regulations. DEFEND ID itself has carried out preparatory activities for forming a holding, socializing governance, forming council meetings and discussions on integration teams as well as between holding leaders, elaborating and determining thresholds for Special Power of Attorney (SKK), drafting strategic guidelines for governance of work relations, and establishing a Board of Directors forum,” Hendra Susanto said in his speech.
Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Len Industri (Persero), Bobby Rasyidin added that this working visit was an honor for the DEFEND ID holding who had the opportunity to receive the arrival of the Chairman VII of BPK RI and the team who last year had visited directly to the office of PT Len Industri ( Persero) during the entry meeting.
"The main holding company for Defense Industry DEFEND ID, namely PT Len Industri (Persero), has holding members consisting of PT Pindad, PT Dahana, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, and PT PAL Indonesia. DEFEND ID has prepared a strategy by strengthening the company's internal capabilities, both through increasing HR competencies in mastering defense technology, as well as increasing the capacity of production facilities. DEFEND ID is also ready to involve the national defense industry ecosystem and other domestic defense industry supply chains that support product components so that independence can be created and increase TKDN value," Bobby Rasyidin in his speech.
This time the inspection report submission activity ended with a visit to the Production Facility of the Special Vehicles Division and shooting using weapons made by PT Pindad. PT Pindad also displayed a variety of its superior products including vehicles such as Maung, Komodo, Rhino and Anoa as well as industrial products such as Excava. PT Pindad also displayed several superior weapons such as SS2-V5 A1, SS2-V4 HB, SS2-V4 A1, DMR SPM 1, DMR SPM 2, AM 1 and SS Blackout. For the sniper rifle category, namely SPR 2, SPR 3 and SPR 4. For the pistol category, featuring G2 Combat, G2 Elite, G2 Premium, Armo all variants, Mag4, P3A and P-765.