28th Pindad anniversary celebration
There is something different with 28th Pindad anniversary celebration. There was no frenetic that marks the prestigous momment and no fireworks which always in wait by the people surrounding Pindad.
With the 28th Pindad anniversary theme, work for the nation, the event started with a formal ceremony to commemorate the anniversary. President Director, Adik A. Soedarsono in his remarks invite all level of management to do instrospection, by comparing what has been Pindad accomplished now and in previous years, then do the evaluation in general. We will find out whether the companys performance has improved or in opposite.
In addition to do the introspection, President Director also said that in line with government policy in revitalization of the defense industry, Pindad will be faced serious challenges in the future.
As the main actors who fulfill the needs of national defense equipment as a local company, it will be an advantage for Pindad because most of Indonesian Army and Police defense equipment needs, must be supplied within the country.
For that reason, previously the company was moving up by walking, the next steps Pindad forced to move swiftly and quickly in order to be able to follow the policy in revitalization defense equipment.
With the 28th Pindad anniversary theme, work for the nation, the event started with a formal ceremony to commemorate the anniversary. President Director, Adik A. Soedarsono in his remarks invite all level of management to do instrospection, by comparing what has been Pindad accomplished now and in previous years, then do the evaluation in general. We will find out whether the companys performance has improved or in opposite.
In addition to do the introspection, President Director also said that in line with government policy in revitalization of the defense industry, Pindad will be faced serious challenges in the future.
As the main actors who fulfill the needs of national defense equipment as a local company, it will be an advantage for Pindad because most of Indonesian Army and Police defense equipment needs, must be supplied within the country.
For that reason, previously the company was moving up by walking, the next steps Pindad forced to move swiftly and quickly in order to be able to follow the policy in revitalization defense equipment.