

PT Pindad (Persero) Board of Directors Changing

Took place at 9th Floor, Ministry of State Owned Enterprises Building at Medan Merdeka Selatan Number 13, May 23rd 2013, held a PT Pindad (Persero) Board of Directors changing. The changing was done by Deputy of Strategic Industry and Manufacture Ministry of State Owned Enterprises, Dwijanti Tjahjaningsih. The event held at 2-3 PM. On this event,  the changing was happened on two Directors position and nomenclature PT Pindad Directors position.

Based on Decree Number : SK-253/MBU/2013, the previous Board of Directors formations were consist of : President Director, Director of Weaponry System, Director of Manufacturing Products, Director of Administration and Finance, and Director of Planning and Development were changed to President Director and 4 supporting Directors.

Moreover, there were a change of names who fill those positions. Adik Avianto Soedarsono, Wahyu Utomo, and Tri Hardjono still fill the position as President Director and two Director position. For the other two Director positions which previously filled by Slamet Irianto and Lenggogeni, were transferred to Ade Bagdja and Rita Widayati.

The event opened by Deputy of Strategic Industry and Manufacture and continued by SKEP reading by Assistant of Strategic Industry and Manufacture, Agus Suharyono. After that, the event continued by direction by Deputy of Strategic Industry and Manufacture, Vice of Main Commissioner, and speech from the President Director PT Pindad (Persero).

Hopefully, this new formation of Board of Directors could give a positive change to company performance and the policies which generated still compatible with the process of attainment of PT Pindad (Persero) vision and mission, to be a world class weaponry system company. (Anggia)
