Participants of the 62nd National Defense Institute of the Republic of Indonesia visit Pindad to lea
Deputy for Leadership Education at the National Level of Lemhannas RI; Maj. Gen. Sugeng Santoso accompanied by Bid Expert Expert. Demographics; Maj. Gen. TNI (Mar) Kasirun, Dirbinta Debiddikpimatnas Lemhannas; Marsma TNI Maman Suherman along with the participants of the 62nd National Defense Institute (Lemhannas)'s regular education program in 2021 visited PT Pindad (Persero) on Wednesday, April 7, 2021. CEO of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose was accompanied by the Chief of Technology & Development of PT Pindad ( Persero); Ade Bagdja, Chief Business of Defence & Security Products officer; Wijil Jadmiko, Chief Business Development officer; Syaifuddin, VP of Business Strategy; Yayat Ruyat, President Director of Pindad Enjiniring Indonesia; Hery Mochtady and President Director of Pindad Medika Utama; Tuning Rudyati warmly welcomed the RI Lemhannas visit.
Participants of the 62nd Indonesian National Defense Institute Program visited PT Pindad (Persero) in the framework of a Domestic Strategy Study to study and study the potential of PT Pindad (Persero) as a national asset and as a domestic defense industry.
CEO of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose in his speech explained Pindad with the vision of Top 100 Global Defense Companies by offering high quality solutions and products, through innovation and strategic partnerships. "The scope of our products, of course, that is in the field of defense and security, of course there are new product variants that we have created. Next is the industrial sector starting from heavy equipment such as various variants of excavators, smokeless waste burners, then we also support it. the food estate program by creating various variants of tractor products along with paddy dryers. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we tried to make a positive contribution by creating innovative ventilator products that we named Pindad VRM 2, which were contracted for 1,000 units. " Conclude Abraham Mose.
On the same occasion, Maj. Gen. Sugeng Santoso conveyed an apology for the Governor of Lemhannas; Lt. Gen. TNI (Purn) Agus Widjojo, who had originally arrived, was unable to attend PT Pindad (Persero). "Lemhanas RI is an institution in the field of education that helps the President prepare and strengthen national level leadership cadres who think comprehensively, integrally, integrally, professionally, has a national moral character and universal moral horizon. The Domestic Strategy Study Program is a program to study, understand and study the potential of various national assets, one of which is PT Pindad (Persero) ". In his remarks, the Deputy for Leadership Education at the National Level of the National Defense Institute of the Republic of Indonesia; Maj. Gen. Sugeng Santoso.
The Domestic Strategy Study activity was continued with exposure to the profiles and various products of PT Pindad (Persero) followed by a discussion with the 62nd Lemhannas participants. The discussion went interesting, with enthusiastic participants about PT Pindad (Persero) and wanted to know more about productivity, production facilities, the economy, influencing regulations, various innovations made and even asking how PT Pindad (Persero) faced the pandemic period which caused difficulties especially for the industrial sector. The Lemhannas RI entourage then continued its activities by visiting the production facilities of PT Pindad (Persero).