

Lapas Salemba Officers Conduct Shooting Training and Maintenance of Firearms in Pindad

About 50 officer from class IIA Penitentiary (Lapas) in Salemba held a shooting training and maintenance of firearms on 18 July 2020 at PT Pindad (Persero), Bandung. Weapon & Special Vehicle Quality Manager, Hera Rosmiati received a group led by the Head of the Penitentiary Division of the DKI Jakarta Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Edi Kurniadi who was accompanied by the Head of Administration Division, Ceno Hersusetio Kartiko, Head of the Legal & Human Services Division, Sutirah and Head of the Salemba IIA class prison, Arif Gunawan.

The purpose of this training is to improve the ability and skills of Salemba Class IIA Penitentiary officers, especially in the field of shooter and firearms maintenance.

Hera Rosmiati in her remarks welcomed the arrival of the training participants who will be guided by the Pindad team and advised to remain in compliance with the health protocol.

"Thank you for your presence, for shooting training and maintenance operations we have prepared our flagship weapons SS2 V4 and P3A Pistols. Our technical team will accompany you, please follow the health protocol," Hera said.

Meanwhile, Edi Kurniadi conveyed the purpose of his visit with a group of Salemba Lapas officers.

"Thank you for the warm welcome, we came here for a friendly visit, of course, with health protocol. We deliberately came because the weapons that were in our possession are pindad products. For that we needed training both for firing and training for firearms care available to us. Please ask for directions and instructions so that the prison officers we carry can properly attend the training.”

This training activity for Lapas employees is very important to be done because of the training of Physical, Mental and Discipline Employees also to maintain, and train the ability/capacity of Lapas officers in using Firearms especially in terms of securing Lapas in accordance with the Law on the use of Firearms.

Participants were divided into three groups who took turns taking part in training in pistol shooting, rifle and weapon maintenance by applying health protocols such as mandatory wearing masks, keeping a distance, and washing hands or using sanitizers both before and after shooting.

The weapons used for shooting practice are the 7.65 x 17 mm caliber P3A pistol and try the superior weapon of the 5.56 x 45 mm caliber SS2V4. Meanwhile firearms maintenance training includes loading and unloading P3A pistols which the Lapas officers have used in carrying out their duties. Lapas officers also have other Pindad-made weapons in carrying out their duties, namely 12 GA caliber shotguns and 38mm caliber SARs.
