

Pindad Discusses Standardization of Military Commodities to Support the Independence of Defense Indu

VP PM & K3LH PT Pindad (Persero), Zen Wahyudin was the speaker at the seminar entitled "Implementation of Standardization of Indonesian Military Commodities in the Context of Meeting the Needs of Indonesian Military Defense and Security to Support the Defense Industry" which was held on November 4, 2020 at the Panca Prasetya Hall Korpri Building D.I. Panjaitan Ministry of Defense, Central Jakarta. Other speakers at the seminar were the Deputy Chief of Staff of the TNI; First Marshal TNI Jorry S. Koloay, Dean of the Defense Technology Faculty of the University of Defense; Romie Oktavianus Bura and Dirtekindhan Ditjen Pothan Ministry of Defense; First Admiral of the TNI Sri Yanto.

The seminar activities were preceded by remarks from the Director General of Defense of the Ministry of Defense; Marsda TNI N. Ponang Djawoto. In his remarks, the Director General of Defense of the Ministry of Defense explained that standardization, especially in meeting the needs of the TNI's defense equipment, is an effort to support the development and empowerment of the domestic defense industry. He considered that standardization had not run optimally because the equations for the mention of defense equipment in each dimension could be different, so there needed to be a standard so that the fulfillment of the TNI defense equipment could be better. "The mention of the aircraft can be different. The Navy mentions the airplane as an aircraft. The Air Force mentions the pesda. Even the Army says that the fixed wing is a fixed wing aircraft. So in the future we will standardize it gradually," explained the Director General.

After remarks and the opening of the seminar, VP PM & K3LH; Zen Wahyudin had the opportunity to explain about the Application of Standards at PT Pindad (Persero). He explained that as a manufacture, PT Pindad (Persero) implements strict quality checks and standardization from raw material to final product using ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 which are requirements for users of Pindad products. With the establishment of standardization, it will help PT Pindad (Persero) in developing products, especially those that are needed by the TNI and building the independence of the domestic defense industry. "Previously, the SS (Assault Rifle) product bought a license from FNC (Belgium) which made us dependent. Then, we can develop by making our own designs and even producing independently so that it can meet the needs of the TNI for various fields of operation," explained Zen Wahyudin.

The activity continued with a review of the mini exhibition of weapons products of PT Pindad (Persero) by all seminar participants. PT Pindad (Persero) exhibited various variants of Pindad's best weapon products including the latest innovative products, Pistol Armo V1, Armo V2, Armo V3 made of Polymer material. Polymer material can effectively reduce firearm weight but does not reduce quality and accuracy. In addition, PT Pindad's flagship weapon which won AARM and AASAM, the SS2 V4 HB was presented at the exhibition. (Raka)
