

Pindad, Recipient of BPPT Innovation Award 2018

PT Pindad (Persero) was awarded the BPPT Innovation Award (BIA) 2018 which was held by the Agency for Technology Assessment and Application (BPPT) at the BPPT Building in Jakarta, Thursday (8/2/2018). Pindad was named awardee of BIA 2018 for the category of innovative company in defense and security technologies development.

Pindad’s President Director, Abraham Mose, received the award from the Head of BPPT, Unggul Priyanto. Abraham mentioned that the award is an accomplishment that Pindad is proud of, a testimony of Pindad’s long journey on a path towards technological independence thanks to innovations created by Pindad’s staff and engineers.

“The long history started in 1986, in a form of strategic partnerships, which after only four years, Pindad was established and able to create innovative products,” said Abraham.

A number of products that have been produced, among others, are Assault Rifles, G2 Premium Pistols, (SPR) 1 to 4 Sniper Weapons. He proudly mentioned that Pindad’s innovative sniper products have been utilized by the Indonesian Army (TNI AD).

"This is a proud achievement for us, but we still need advice, guidance and critics from all parties so that the results of Pindad's innovation could improve," he said.

The Head of BPPT, Unggul Priyanto said that BPPT encourage the use of technological innovation for national development. 

“This year’s BPPT Innovation Award is a new history for BPPT, because it is the first time and to complement two existing awards, Honorary Supreme Engineer (Perekayasa Utama Kehormatan, PUK) Award and Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie Technology Award (BJHTA),” said Unggul.

The BIA 2018 award is different from the BJ Habibie Technology Award (BJHTA). BPPT Innovation Award as explained by the Head of BPPT, is given to individuals, agencies or companies, which have produced new products as results of technological innovations, which have a significant impact on the industry. Whereas BJHTA is given to scientists who have produced real technological product of inventions and even innovations that have contributed to the advancement of technology. (Bani)
