

Pindad Provides Assistance for Waste Processing Machines into Compost to Sukapura Subdistrict

Pindad give assistance to the community of Hamlet 14 of Sukapura Village, Kiaracondong District, Bandung at the Raflesia Park Complex on November 4, 2020. The assistance was symbolically handed over by Plt. PKBL & CSR Junior Manager, Yunus Soemantri. In addition to the chopper machine, Pindad also provided assistance for garbage filtering, sprayer, shovel, and EM4 starter microbes.

The event was attended by the Subdistrict Secretary, Amin Jarkasih, Kiaracondong Police Chief, Asep Saepudin, the Food & Agriculture Office, Elis, PD Cleaning, Pipin R, Sukapura Urban Village, Melinasari, Chairman of Hamlet 14 Sukapura, Ana Meilina and local community leaders.

Plt. PKBL & CSR Junior Manager, Yunus Soemantri, in his speech said that he hoped the assistance provided would benefit the environment and generate added value for the surrounding community.

"Hopefully this assistance from Pindad can generate economic factors for the community and hopefully benefit the surrounding environment. Please manage the equipment properly, "said Yunus.

Meanwhile, the subdistrict secretary, Amin Jarkasih, appreciated the assistance provided by Pindad. "Thank you for the assistance given by Pindad, hopefully Pindad's PKBL & CSR assistance can continue to spur and increase the enthusiasm of the community in implementing the government's Kang Pisman program," said Amin. Chairman of Hamlet 14 Sukapura, Ana Meilina said that the community was helped by various assistance programs provided by the company.

"Alhamdulillah, I have been greatly helped by various programs of assistance that have been given useful, including overcoming covid, urban farming and waste management. Our Kang Pisman program has been running for 2 years, hopefully it will continue, ”said Ana.

In collaboration with PD Cleaning, there was also socialization of the Kang Pisman movement, called Reduce, Separate & Use as well as socialization of compost processing from the Food & Sanitation Office.
