

Pindad Commemorate National Heroes Day

PT Pindad (Persero) commemorates the National Heroes Day by commemoration ceremony led by Chief Technology and Development of PT Pindad (Persero), Ade Bagdja as the Ceremony Inspector located at PT Pindad (Persero) Bandung, November 10, 2020 by implementing health protocols. The National Heroes Day commemoration ceremony only attended by the Board of Directors of PT Pindad (Persero).

The ceremony began with a tribute to Indonesian flag by the national anthem, Indonesia Raya. After raising the nation flag, followed by the moment of silence to commemorate the national heroes services, reading the Openign of the 1945 Constitution. The ceremony was continued with reading of Mandate of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia by Ceremony Inspector.

This year’s National Heroes Day theme is “My Heroes of All Time”. This theme is interpreted by practicing the spirit and values of heroism and helping each other through their respective roles and professions. This year’s National Heroes Day commemoration feels different because it is interpreted by the struggle against Covid-19 which still threatens by the community.

In the mandate of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia; Juliari P. Coal, she instructed for this year's Heroes' Day commemoration to be able to serve and not lose meaning and even raise awareness to prioritize the association and unity of the nation. "Let us show our contribution to the nation and the country by becoming today's heroes who have empathy to help each other, respect and respect each other" explained Juliari P. Coal.

Happy National Heroes Day, November 10, 2020. We continue the struggle of the heroes united, gotong royong to fill the independence to build the state. Do not waste the struggle of the heroes who have been willing to sacrifice their lives and bodies for the sake of this motherland.
