

Pindad conducts Covid-19 vaccinations for all employees

In order to manage and prevent the Covid-19 virus infection, PT Pindad (Persero) carries out vaccinations for all management and employees of PT Pindad (Persero) which will be held from Wednesday, March 31, 2021 to April 8, 2021 at the Hall of Corporate University Pindad Bandung . The opening of the employee vaccination program was attended by the CEO of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose, the Board of Directors of PT Pindad (Persero), the board of directors of the PEI group and also attended by the Head of the Bandung City Health Office (Dinkes Kota Bandung), dr. Ahyani Raksanagara, M.Kes and Head of PKM Babakan Sari, dr. Gemi Hafitiani.

In his remarks, Abraham Mose expressed his gratitude to Dinkes Kota Bandung for providing vaccinations for Pindad employees. Abraham said that Covid-19 greatly affected Pindad's business, which originally produced defense and security products, during this pandemic Pindad was able to create innovative products to tackle the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. The Covid-19 outbreak is challenging to create new discoveries to find more efficient ways of handling.

"Thank you to Dinkes Kota Bandung for supporting the vaccination program for Pindad employees. Covid-19 has greatly affected businesses, so that in the midst of uncertain conditions we have to make efficiency, cost cutting, and make innovations. Pindad used to make combat vehicles, during this pandemic they could make ventilators, disinfectant booths, make PPE, and Covid-19 countermeasures. High appreciation for various innovations from Pindad employees in the midst of this pandemic. " Abraham explained.

Abraham also said that vaccination is a good start and hopes that this pandemic will be over quickly and conditions can recover.

Head of Dinkes Kota Bandung, dr. Ahyani Raksanagara, M.Kes reminded 5 M for handling Covid-19, there are menggunakan masker, mencuci tangan, menjaga jarak, mengurangi kerumunan, dan mengurangi mobilitas ( using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, reducing crowds, and reducing mobility).

"The vaccination, which is being carried out today, is a vaccination for people in good health and hopefully it can accelerate the handling of this pandemic. Vaccination not only protects yourself, but your family, people around you and society. You carry out 5M, from our side (Dinkes) performs 3T (melacak (tracing), Testing and Treatment. Tracing, tracing new cases of Covid-19 in 1x24 hours Testing, we developed the BSL-2 lab so that it can be independent and with faster examination results "Treatment, where 80% of patients experience Covid-19 without symptoms. The Health Office also has an integrated isolation house for patients who do not allow them to self-isolate in a private house," explained Dr. Ahyani.

The activity was then continued by visiting the vaccination facility, starting from registration and verification of participant identity, physical health screening to find out whether the vaccine recipient was really healthy, then the vaccination process to post-vaccination observation for 30 minutes and getting a vaccination card.