PT Pindad Opens New Line of Production Facility of Weapon System
PT Pindad (Persero) inaugurated the New Line of Weapon System Production Facilities which was marked by laser shooting to open the curtain and the signing of the inscription by the President Director of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose accompanied by General Manager of the Weapons Division, Yayat Ruyat in Pindad, Bandung on Wednesday, February 26, 2020. The inauguration was also attended by the Board of Directors and employees of PT Pindad (Persero).
In his remarks, Abraham Mose expressed his appreciation for the performance of the Weapons Division for being able to exceed 2019 targets and being able to develop themselves by creating new production lines. Abraham believes, with higher targets each year and technological demands can be achieved by Pindad. The presence of the new production line is one of the efforts to realizing innovation target of Pindad as an advanced weapon system.
General Manager of Weapons Division, Yayat Ruyat stated that the Weapons Division ready to transform as an Advanced Weapon System. Not only produce hand-held weapons units, but also ready to produce armament combat vehicles. Development is also carried out on the production line through an automation system so that it is very efficient and not manual input.
The New Weapon System Production Line located in Bandung, specifically in Pindad Weapons Division is an effort to increase the capability and capacity of weapons products, especially for Turret and RCWS (Remote Controlled Weapon Station) products.
There are 7 main products that are designed to be produced on the newly inaugurated production line, named; 90mm & 105mm Combat Vehicle Turrets, UAV (Unnmanned Aerial Vehicles), Mortar Mechatronics, Optic & Optronics, UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicles), Rocket / Missile Launcher & FCS, and RCSWS (Remote Controlled Weapon Station).
One of the products to be produced, called 90mm and 105mm turrets are the main product to support the development of Pindad production, especially for Harimau Medium Tank. Turret is one of the main parts of a combat vehicle that functions as a firing mechanism.
Besides the Turret production, Pindad is also preparing itself to face the global challenges and moving forward with UAV innovation products. UAV is a remote control aircraft without a crew with a small size and one of them has a function for military support as an integrated surveillance and attack system. The UAV product is the development and innovation of Pindad to face the needs of the TNI Cavalry Unit in connection with the surveillance company.