

Pindad Distributes 1,325 Grocery Packages To Residents who Affected Covid-19

PT Pindad (Persero) handed over 1,325 basic food aid packages delivered to local residents symbolically by the Director of Technology & Development of PT Pindad (Persero), Ade Bagdja, Director of Defense Business Products Heru Puryanto, Director of Industrial Business Products, Heri Heriswan to representatives of the Kelurahan RW in Grha Pindad Bandung. The event was attended by the Chairman of the DKM Al Fitrah, Diat Hadiat and the Board of Trustees of the DKM, Hery Mochtady.

Basic foods assistance for the neighborhood residents is the result of the collaboration of the Partnership & Community Development Program (PKBL) PT Pindad (Persero), DKM AL Fitrah and Lazis, the Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqa (alms) Collection Institution. This is a form of responsibility of PT Pindad (Persero) for the surrounding which affected by the Covid-19 virus. Handover of basic food to residents will be carried out by door to door, so it does not collect mass and distributed personally. Food packages containing rice, cooking oil, sugar, instant noodles and others.

In his remarks, Ade Bagdja appreciated the cooperation between committees and hoped that the food packages would be useful and distributed well according to the health protocol.

"Thank God today, 1,325 food packages were collected to be distributed to residents in 26 RWs in the neighborhood around Pindad. This movement is a form of corporate responsibility and of all employees, hopefully this can be received and beneficial for residents by applying the concept of physical distancing, delivery of food aid packages in turn to RW representatives which will be distributed door to door to affected residents, "said Ade Bagdja.
