Pindad signs cooperation with BJB & Agri Jabar at the West Java Investment Summit 2021
PT Pindad (Persero) signed a Cooperation with PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten, Tbk. and PT Agro Jabar (Perseroda) on Thursday, October 21, 2021, located in Savoy Homann, Bandung. The signing was held at the 3rd West Java Investment Summit (WJIS) 2021 with the theme “Navigating Post-Covid World: Investment Growth for Resilient West Java – Think Investment, Think West Java”. The signing activity was carried out by the President Director of PT Pindad (Persero); Abraham Mose with President Director of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten, Tbk.; Yuddy Renaldi and President Director of PT Agro Jabar (Perseroda); Dawn Grace. This activity was also attended by the Governor of West Java; Ridwan Kamil with various West Java Regional Heads and President Director of BUMN-BUMS involved in the West Java Investment Summit 2021 activities.
Pindad and Agro Jabar will cooperate for the development of agricultural equipment and machinery (alsintan) including increasing production capacity and quality of agricultural products with technological support in West Java. Then Pindad and Bank BJB carried out cooperation in the financial sector.
The Governor of West Java Province, Ridwan Kamil advised all regional heads, President Director of BUMN and BUMS involved in the 2021 West Java Investment Summit to maximize investment and encourage the West Java economy. "Use the economic policy of knocking door, don't use the economic policy of guarding the stall. The best attitude for now is a proactive approach,” explained Ridwan Kamil.
In this activity, various signings of Cooperation between Regional Heads, President Director of BUMN and BUMS were also carried out related to investment development in West Java. WJIS 2021 activities are expected to be an active step together as an effort to maximize investment in West Java and start carrying out economic recovery (recovery) after the Covid-19 pandemic.