

Farewell and Welcome Event of PT Pindad (Persero) Board of Commissioners 

After five years dedication as the one of PT Pindad (Persero) Board of Commissioner members, Richard Mengko, Dr, Ir officially left his position on Wednesday, March 20th 2013. He replaced by the new member of Board of Commissioner, Djadja Sukirman, Ak., M.B.A. This “pisah sambut” event attended by PT Pindad Board of Commissioner members (minus Main Commissioner), Board of Directors, and high level officials. This event held at the Auditorium Directorate Building.

PT Pindad (Persero) President Director, Adik A Soedarsono represents the board of directors and the whole PT Pindad employees express a major gratitude to Richard Mengko for his five years dedication for PT Pindad (Persero). He also welcoming the new commissioner Djadja Sukirman and hoped he could do his new job as good as possible and he would get easiness from God.

Richard Mengko hoped PT Pindad outstanding profit achievement would continue in the future. He also said some messages for PT Pindad development on technology area and to evaluate some things which had not evaluated yet.

The new commissioner, Djadja Sukirman hoped that he could adapting fast and could do his job with other board of commissioner members, cooperate each other, and brought PT Pindad to be a leading weaponry system company in Asia, even in the world.

Djadja Sukirman elected to be a board of commissioner member by State Owned Enterprises Minister Decree Number: SK-164/MBU/2013 beside his position as Deputy Secretary of Vice President for Administrative Affairs, meanwhile Richard Mengko back to his activity as a lecturer.

