PKB Juang TNI POLRI 2022, Pindad Showcase Superior Products & Supports Tactical Shooting Contest
PT Pindad displayed various superior defense products at the Seminar & Joint Activity Program (PKB) of Sesko TNI, Sespimti TNI, Seskoad, Seskoal, Seskoau, Sespimmen Polri FY 2022 which was held on 6-10 June 2022 at the National Police Education and Training Center, Lembang, West Java. The theme of the seminar & PKB for FY 2022 Championship this time is "TNI-Polri and other components of the nation are ready to carry out National Economic Recovery and Structural Reforms in the Framework of Towards a Resilient Indonesia".
The activity was officially opened by the Commander of Sesko TNI, Marshal Madya TNI Diyah Yudanardi. In his remarks, he hoped that the Seminar & PKB Kejuangan for the 2022 academic year could produce policy formulations to support the realization of a resilient Indonesia. "I hope that in this seminar, I will be able to produce quality products that can be accounted for academically through study and analysis of every variable of the issue discussed from the perspective of the seminar participants, both from elements of the TNI, Polri and other community components. For that I hope the results of the seminar able to formulate and present alternative solutions that are appropriate and proportionate, and can be used as consideration for leaders in determining a policy in the context of national economic recovery and structural reforms towards the realization of a resilient Indonesia." The Marshal of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Diyah Yudanardi, explained.
In the seminar, there were 2 titles of papers presented. The first is the Paper of Sesko TNI and Sespimti Polri entitled "Conception of the role of the TNI-Polri and other components of the nation in carrying out national economic recovery and structural reforms in order to improve people's welfare in the context of the realization of a Resilient Indonesia".
Second, a paper from the Sesko Force and Sespimmen Polri on "Optimizing the role of the TNI-Polri and other components of the nation in carrying out national economic recovery and structural reforms in order to improve people's welfare in the context of the realization of a Resilient Indonesia".
In this activity, PT Pindad displayed various superior weapons products. In the Assault Rifle category (SS - Assault Rifle) includes: SS2-V5 A1 equipped with Alopecia, SS2-V4, SS Blackout V1, SS Blackout V2, SS Blackout V3, SS Amphibious, Dopper Weapons & SPM 1. For the pistol category, includes: G2 Elite, G2 Premium, MAG4, Armo V1, Armo V2, Armo V3, Armo V4 and P3A.
Then for the Sniper Rifle category (SPR - Sniper) includes: SPR-2, SPR-3, SPR-4. As for special vehicle products, PT Pindad displays the Rantis Maung 4x4.
Along with seminars and exhibitions, a tactical shooting competition was also held as part of the 2022 PKB Struggle located at the National Police Sespim shooting range. Technical shooting competition using a gun with a shooting range of 25 meters. Shooting activities are divided into 3 competitions, namely precision & rapid fire competitions, duelling plates and reaction shooting. In this activity, the competition participants appreciated the quality and accuracy of various pistols produced by PT Pindad.