PT Pindad participated in the SOEs Goes to Campus event which took place at Telkom University in Bandung on Monday, March 6th 2023. SOEs Goes to Campus is an activity organized by the Ministry of SOEs in order to campaign for the transformation of SOEs in the era of SOEs Minister, Erick Thohir and to inspire the younger generation. Apart from that, this event is an event to introduce various State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) towards the citizens of Bandung. This activity was attended directly by Special Staff III Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga, Rector of Telkom University Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, Deputy Main Director of Biopharma & Chairman of BUMN Muda Soleh Ayubi, Executive Director of FHCI Lieke R Pangkey and the CEO of MDI Venture Donald Wihardja.
The SOE Goes to Campus activity was opened with greetings from the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya. "In accordance with what was stated by the Minister of SOEs, Mr. Erick Thohir, that success is not only seen from a high GPA, but students must also have character and capabilities. Character and capabilities depended on each individual. So, it is not only limited to knowledge but it is necessary to create a mindset." Explains Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya.
The SOEs Special Staff III, Arya Sinulingga introduces the various State-Owned Enterprises transformations in the three years of leading SOEs, Erick Thohir in the Inspiring Talkshow. “Why did we create the SOE Goes to Campus program? Because at this moment there are many changes and improvements in the BMN. Transformation that is enacted includes from 108 SOEs to 41 SOEs through consolidation in one ecosystem. An example is the defense industry holding DEFEND ID through PT Len Industri (Persero), PT Pindad, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT PAL Indonesia and PT Dahana." Arya Sinulingga explained.
One of the series of SOE Goes to Campus activities that grabbed attention from various students were the Talkshow which features Primary Director of Biopharma & SOEs Leader Muda Soleh Ayubi, Executive Director of FHCI Lieke R Pangkey and CEO of MDI Venture Donald Wihardja.
In this activity, PT Pindad presented an information stand to introduce and promote the products and profile of Pindad As a defence industry, PT Pindad presents various models of defensive and security products, including the Tiger Medium Tank, 8x8 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Tactical Vehicle Maung 4x4, SPR 2, and SS2-V4. Additionally, PT Pindad also presented industrial product models, namely: Excavator Excava 200, Tractors and Alsintan. With so many visitors attending, PT Pindad's stand received great enthusiasm which primarily comes from the students. Apart from PT Pindad, 9 other SOEs namely: PT Len Industry (Persero), PT Pos Indonesia (Persero), PT Permodalan Nasional Madani, PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (Persero), PT Taspen (Persero), PT Telekomunikasi Selular, PT Bio Farma ( Persero), Perum Jasa Tirta II, and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk were also present at the SOE Goes to Campus event.
At the SOE Goes to Campus event, the ministry of SOEs also opened various information regarding scholarships, internships, and job opportunities.