PT Pindad hold the 2022 Work Meeting on Friday, March 4, 2022 at Graha Pindad Bandung face to face and still comply with the health protocols that apply during the Covid-19 pandemic. This annual agenda is led by the CEO, the Board of Directors, Echelon 1 ranks of all Directorates, Directors of the Company's Subsidiaries as well as union administrators. This year's Working Meeting carries the theme "Pindad Rebound" with the key behavior of "Be Aware and Manage Our Potentials Toward The Glory of Pindad".
The 2022 work meeting aims to agree on detailed divisional/unit targets to support the achievement of company targets as stated in the RKAP. The main points of discussion in the work meeting are strategic matters, which are the executive summary of the discussion of technical matters in the Pre Working Meeting. The main agenda of the 2022 Raker is the discussion of the 2022 strategic program, the signing of the KPI of the Board of Directors and the KPI of the Division/Unit and the Socialization of the Defense Industry Cluster.
The PT Pindad Work Meeting 2022 began with the direction of the CEO of PT Pindad, Abraham Mose. Abraham said that there are big challenges ahead that must be addressed and faced together. “This morning's meeting is very important for Pindad's performance going forward, and I need to convey to all echelon 1 Pindad officials, children and grandchildren of companies to unions, to understand that we must be prepared to face VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) conditions and challenges both internal and external. We must be able to get out and rebound from the current conditions through various strategic steps that we discussed today. My hope is that at the end of this Working Meeting, we can produce a commitment to achieve the targets set together.” Obviously Abraham Mose.
The CEO then explained various strategic plans to be implemented in 2022.
After receiving the direction of the CEO, the 2022 Working Meeting was continued with explanations by each Directorate through the relevant VP/GM to formulate the company's strategy and technical steps to be implemented in 2022. It is hoped that from the 2022 Pindad Working Meeting, companies can unite and innovate to face challenges faced both internally and externally to realize Pindad Rebound towards the top 100 of the world's defense industry.