PT Pindad Welcome a Visit of Diklapa II TNI AD and Sespimma Plri FY 2023
The Corporate Secretary of PT Pindad, Dianing Rahayu welcomed a visit from the Sespima Polri group chaired by AKBP Lido and the DIKLAPA II group of the Indonesian Army Branch led by Lt. Col. Mahfudz, Rear Admiral TNI Yoos Suryono Hadi along with Student Officers (Pasis) DIKLAPA II TNI AD and SESPIMMA POLRI TA 2023 on Wednesday, March 1st 2023 which took place at the PT Pindad Training Hall, Bandung.
The purpose of this visit was in the context of Integrating Education for Pasis Diklapa II TNI AD and Sespimma Polri for the 2023 year which was attended by 102 Student Officers and 6 Assistants.
In his remarks, Dianing Rahayu welcomed the entire group and felt proud to be visited by Pasis from the Indonesian Army and Police.
"PT Pindad until now still exists in supporting the provision of alpalhankam to realize national defense independence as well as industrial equipment to support government programs. We hope that this activity will add insight into the domestic defense industry.” Dianing Rahayu explained.
In his remarks, Lt. Col. Mahfudz as the representative of the group expressed his gratitude to PT Pindad for the opportunity to be able to visit PT Pindad directly and said that this activity aims to make student officers become planners, thinkers and implementers of the strategic defense of Indonesia's sovereignty.
"This is an experience that must be remembered because in Indonesia PT Pindad is a company that is very good at producing weapons for the needs of the TNI and Polri. It is hoped that in the future the knowledge or understanding related to domestic weapons that we have will continue to increase," said Lt. Col. Mahfudz.
The activity was then followed by an explanation of the brief profile and products of PT Pindad which was followed by a discussion session and ended with a Plan Tour to the Production of the Defense and Security Industry.