Pusdik Intelkam Polri Visit
Twenty six students of Dikbangpes Brigwassendak Pusdik Intelkam Polri were visited PT Pindad (Persero) on Monday, January 24th 2014. The group which was led by AKBP Drs. M. Tatang, M.Si was accepted at Auditorium Directorate Building by Head of Marketing Department of Directorate of Weaponry System, Sena Maulana.
This visit was done in order to directly see the production process of PT Pindad (Persero) weapon products. The weapon production process that had given only theoretically to the students could be seen at some of Weapon Division production facilities. Furthermore, the students which came from various Polisi Daerah (provincial police commands) or Polda all over Indonesia, could study about weapon production, the distribution, and also the supervision towards the explosives because the duty of these students at the future is to supervise weapons and also explosives.
Production facilities at Weapon Division for long barrel weapons and handguns were the first location that visited by these students. At these production facilities, they were asking so many questions about the detail of weapon production such as the raw material, production process, and other details.
After Weapon Division, the 2nd Production Department of Special Vehicle Division was also visited by the students. The detail of production process of special vehicle division such as Anoa Panser and Tactical Vehicle Komodo were also asking by the students so that their knowledge about these PT Pindad special vehicles also increased.
That days visit was ended by taking a photo together in front of the leading combat vehicle product of PT Pindad (Persero), Anoa Panser. Hopefully, the knowledge that obtained by the students could be supported their works at the future. (Anggia)