Ramadhan Sharing, Pindad Delivers Assistance of 1,560 Packages to The Community
In the holy month of Ramadan this year, PT Pindad handed over Social & Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) assistance in the form of 1,560 food packages to local communities in need. The symbolic delivery of the basic food packages was held on Monday, April 17th 2023 and was attended by the Deputy CEO, Sigit P. Santosa and Plt. Corporate Secretary Dianing Rahayu, Head of Kiaracondong Sub-District Rina Dewi Yanti along with representatives from 3 sub-districts, Head of DKM Al-Fitrah Mosque, Representative of IIKP Management Cakra Pawestri and RW representatives in each sub-district.
Deputy CEO, Sigit P. Santosa conveyed, this activity is a form of PT Pindad's social concern and concern for the surrounding community.
"This year's activity carries a good theme, namely Ramadan Synergy where we inflame the spirit of harmonization in this holy month with all related aspects. We also hope to provide benefits to the community around the PT Pindad area. I hope this assistance can also be a means or medium for us to achieve the expected results.” said Sigit P Santosa.
Head of Kiaracondong sub-district, Rina Dewi, representing 3 sub-districts in Kiaracondong sub-district, expressed her deepest appreciation and gratitude for the assistance that has been given.
"We were greatly helped by the presence of the Ramadhan sharing activity carried out by TJSL PT Pindad. Hopefully what is provided by PT Pindad can be utilized by residents as well as possible. Later (the basic food packages) will be distributed to 3 Sub-Districts and handed over to the Head of the RW in each Kelurahan. said Rina.
With the theme of the activity "Ramadan in Synergy", it is hoped that this activity can show increasing concern and lighten the burden on others and increase collaboration for the sake of building the country.