The Head of Bakamla RI Reviews Weapon Products to Support Marine Defence
Chief Executive Officer of PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose welccomed a visit from the Head of Maritime Security Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Bakamla RI), Laksdya TNI Aan Kurnia, S.Sos., M.M at the Main Auditorium of PT Pindad (Persero) Bandung (6/8). The agenda of this visit is intended to review and test the weapons products of PT Pindad (Persero) that can be used by Bakamla RI, especially to support national marine resilience. The Head of Bakamla RI was also accompanied by Deputy Jakstra Laksda Bakamla Tatit E. Witjaksono, SE, M.Tr (Han), Deputy for Information, Law and Cooperation Laksda Bakamla Dade Ruskandar, Director of Opsla Laksma Bakamla Suwito, SE., M.Si (Han), Head of Sarpras Bureau Laksma Amrein, SE, Head of UPH, Laksma Bakamla Iman Wahyudi, Dirlitbang Laksma Bakamla Ir Gunawan.
Abraham Mose gave a speech and warmly welcomed Laksdya TNI Aan Kurnia. Abraham Mose gave a brief introduction about company profile and products of PT Pindad (Persero), especially defense and security products, including Firearms, Munitions and Special Vehicles to support national defense.
Defense Sales & Marketing Division Representative, Niken Arina delivered a presentation regarding PT Pindad (Persero) products that could support Bakamla in carrying out the task of conducting security and safety patrols in the water territorials and jurisdictions of Indonesia. Niken explained various superior products and strategic products in the future that could support Bakamla.
The Head of Bakamla RI, Laksdya TNI Aan Kurnia, S.Sos., M.M expressed his gratitude for the welcome given by PT Pindad (Persero) as well as expressing admiration, pride and interest in Pindad products, especially weapons and munitions. One of the weapons that attracted Bakamla was the Kal SM5 machine gun. 12.7 mm which has an effective range of up to 1,830 m with fire rate about 400 - 600 rounds / minute. In addition, a weapon system to support marine such as the Naval RCWS Kal. 30 mm which can detect and tracking targets automatically and has a rate of fire about 200 rounds / minute. Bakamla also needs the support of Pindad munitions of various calibers, both small and medium.
Besides reviewing and testing weaponry products, Laksdya TNI Aan Kurnia also said that the Bakamla RI supports the national defense industry to be able to contribute to improving Indonesia's marine resilience. There is a need for weapons and munitions that will later be used in Indonesian defense ships.
Pindad also appreciated the direction and ideas from the Head of Bakamla RI along with the ranks to improve product quality. Pindad certainly carries out certain treatments for the product that Bakamla will use because of the terrain that is predominantly in waters such as corrosion resistance, training in use and maintenance and stabilizers for the ocean.
The activity was then continued by visiting PT Pindad (Persero) 's production facilities, which began with seeing and trying out various special function vehicle products. The activities of the Indonesian Bakamla group then ended by visiting the weapons division by reviewing various weapon products, especially machine guns and directly testing the Kal SM5 machine gun products. 12.7mm.