SEKDILU Batch 41 Visited PT Pindad (Persero) to Learn Indonesian Defense Equipment Development
110 people from the Foreign Service School (Sekdilu) Ministry of Foreign Affairs paid a visit to PT Pindad (Persero) on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. The group led by the Director of the Secretariat UPT, Khasan Ashari, was received by the Director of Finance and Administration at Grha Pindad, Bandung.
The visit of the diplomat candidate was intended to provide knowledge about the ability of the Indonesian state to produce defense equipment products conducted by PT Pindad (Persero). Understanding of defense equipment products becomes important as a provision for diplomat candidates when assigning abroad, as knowledge of Indonesia's defense capabilities, various defense equipment products produced and products used in various units. Prospective diplomats are also expected to have pride in Indonesia's defense capabilities and can promote and market Indonesian defense equipment products produced by PT Pindad (Persero).
In his remarks, Wildan Arief welcomed the entire group and felt proud to be visited by prospective Indonesian Diplomats in the future. Wildan Arief then gave various messages to prospective diplomats, one of whom could have good character and have the authority to represent Indonesia in the eyes of the world. Then, Wildan Arief introduced PT Pindad (Persero) to all participants of the Secretariat, both from history, business lines to all products both defense equipment and industrial products.
The Director of the Secretariat of UPT, Khasan Ashari was honored and proud of the remarks from PT Pindad (Persero). In his remarks, Khasan appreciated the good relations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and PT Pindad (Persero), and the visits that were always carried out provided a basis for understanding diplomatic candidates in their assignments abroad. Furthermore, Khasan Ashari said that this visit was important for the 41st generation Secretary General, because it coincided with the first assignment to be held in Africa next week.
After the training activities located at Grha Pindad were completed, the group conducted a plant tour to the production facilities owned by PT Pindad (Persero). The first visit was made to the Special Vehicle Division to see the production process and assembling of various combat vehicles. While at the combat vehicle production facility, the diplomat candidates look enthusiastic and interested in various combat vehicle products, especially in Anoa and Komodo production specifically for the UN Peace Keeping Mission.
The visit continued to the Weapon Division's production facilities. The group was shown various weapons production
PT Pindad (Persero), especially the SS2 V4 HB product that has the name of Indonesia in various international shooting competitions, such as AARM and AASAM. The 41rd secretary group was proud and praised all the weapons products of PT Pindad (Persero) that supported the independence of the domestic defense.
The visit to the Weapon Division also ended the Secretary's activities that day. (Raka)